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開國大典 1949年10月1日

Founding Ceremony, October 1, 1949



1949年10月1日,中華人民共和國中央人民政府成立典禮,即開國大典,在北京天安門廣場隆重舉行。中華人民共和國誕生了!中國的歷史從此翻開了嶄新的篇章。下午2時,中國人民政治協商會議第一屆全體會議選舉産生的中央人民政府委員會在勤政殿舉行第一次會議。中央人民政府主席毛澤東,副主席朱德、劉少奇、宋慶齡、李濟深、張瀾、高崗,以及周恩來等56名中央人民政府委員會委員宣佈就職。會議一致決議,宣佈中華人民共和國中央人民政府成立,接受《中國人民政治協商會議共同綱領》為施政方針,向各國政府宣佈中華人民共和國中央人民政府為中國唯一合法政府,願與遵守平等、互利及互相尊重領土主權原則的任何外國政府建立外交關係。會議結束後,中央人民政府主席、副主席及各位委員集體出發,乘車出中南海東門,前往天安門城樓出席開國大典。     此時,參加開國大典的北京30萬軍民齊聚天安門廣場,翹首期待著偉大歷史時刻的到來。     下午3時,中央人民政府委員會秘書長林伯渠宣佈中央人民政府成立典禮開始。在群眾的歡呼聲中,毛澤東主席用他那帶著湖南口音的洪亮聲音,向全世界莊嚴宣告:“中華人民共和國中央人民政府今天成立了!”頓時,廣場上歡聲雷動,群情激昂。在代國歌《義勇軍進行曲》的雄壯旋律中,毛澤東按動電鈕,新中國第一面五星紅旗冉冉升起。全場肅立,向國旗行注目禮。廣場上,54門禮炮齊鳴28響,象徵著中國共産黨領導全國各族人民艱苦奮鬥28年的光輝歷程。 中華人民共和國的成立,是中國有史以來最偉大的事件,也是二十世紀世界最偉大的事件之一,它結束了少數剝削者統治廣大勞動人民和帝國主義奴役中國各族人民的歷史,中國人民從此當家作主成為國家的主人,中華民族的發展從此開啟了新的歷史紀元。

On October 1, 1949, the Founding Ceremony of the People's Republic of China was grandly held by the Central People's Government at the Tiananmen Square, Beijing. The founding of the People’s Republic of China marks a new chapter in Chinese history. At 2 p.m., the Central People's Government Committee, elected by the first plenary session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, held its first meeting. Chairman Mao Zedong, along with Vice Chairmen Zhu De, Liu Shaoqi, Song Qingling, Li Jishen, Zhang Lan, Gao Gang, and Premier Zhou Enlai among the 56 committee members, announced their inauguration. The meeting resolved to establish the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China, adopt the Common Program of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference as the political guideline and declare that the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government of China, willing to establish diplomatic relations with any foreign government that respects equality, mutual benefit, and territorial sovereignty. Following the meeting, the officials, including the Chairman, Vice Chairmen and committee members, proceeded to Tiananmen Tower to attend the Founding Ceremony. At that time, there were 300,000 people gathering at the Tiananmen Square, eagerly anticipating the great historical moment. At 3 p.m., Lin Boqu, Secretary-general of the Central People's Government Committee, announced the start of the Founding Ceremony. Amid the cheers of the masses, Chairman Mao solemnly proclaimed to the world, “The Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China is established today!” The square was suddenly filled with joy and excitement. In the national anthem of the March of the Volunteers, Chairman Mao Zedong pressed the button and raised the first flag of the new China. Everyone stood in awe and bowed their eyes to the flag. At the square, 54 guns fired 28 times, symbolizing the glorious journey of the Communist Party of China leading the people of all ethnic groups in the country for 28 years of struggle. The founding of the People’s Republic of China is the greatest event in Chinese history and one of the greatest events in the world in the 20th century. It ended the history of exploitation and enslavement of the Chinese people of all ethnicities. From then on, the Chinese people became the masters of their own country, marking the beginning of a new historical era in the development of the Chinese nation.

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