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Restoration Map of Beijing City in Ming Dynasty

c. 1564 - 1644 A.D.

c. 1564 - 1644 A.D.

北京皇城建築成形於明代,延續至清代,布局已宗廟、官衙、倉庫、內廷服務機構以及園林苑囿等。 皇城一般由皇族獨家使用,普通百姓不可出入的森嚴禁地。到清朝則衍變成為部份地方可以與繁盛熱鬧的市街相接,改成外城與內城銜接相往,而政府管治部門則成為‘’監、局、司、庫‘’分開功能職務,集中在紫禁城南端,功能大為提升。

The construction of the imperial city in Beijing took shape in the Ming Dynasty, and continued to the Qing Dynasty. The layout included temples, government departments, warehouses, inner court service institutions and gardens. The imperial city was exclusively for the royal family, strictly off-limits to ordinary citizens. By the Qing Dynasty, parts of the city were allowed to connect with the bustling streets, transitioning to a layout that linked the inner and outer cities. Government departments were divided into “directorates, offices, bureaus and warehouses", centralized at the southern end of the Forbidden City with significantly enhanced functionality.

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